
Keep your inventory on a glance.

Manage inventory in real-time, Esupl supports all types of inventory events.

starting from $12 per month
set up in 20 minutes
Try it for free!
14-days trial period


Real-time data about actual remains

Hundreds of different events happen in restaurants every day which update inventory: starting from supplies and finishing with wastes. Each of them you can control using Esupl: wastes, movements, productions, supplies, inventory counts and adjustments. After all you get the whole overview of current quantities and costs for each inventory item you have in one report!

Smooth inventory count!

Take the whole inventory in 30 minutes on your tablet using our inventory counts feature. Just enter actual remains and Esupl will do the rest - highlights differences between actual and planned remains, helps to take under control wastes and thefts.

Inventory report

Have you ever come up with one of these questions β€œWhy is the theoretical remain for tomatoes is 20kg, but I see only 5kg at the shelf?”, β€œHow much chicken did we buy/use this month?”... Using the Inventory report in Esupl you can answer these questions and much more in a few seconds. Keep your finger on the pulse of warehouse life!

Frequently Asked Questions


Does Esupl have some alerts about low inventory?

Can we use custom categories for easier inventory management?

If I also have a remote production, can I manage it with Esupl?

Try absolutely for free now!

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Invoice scanning

Don’t waste time on manual entering anymore.